Closed: Children's Building Site | 24.10.24 | until 12.30 pm


Der Elektrolichtbogenofen in der Stahlhalle der DASA
Exhibitions / Guided Tours / Workshops

Fascinating working worlds

DASA is Germany's largest exhibition on the world of work:

Covering an area equivalent to two football pitches, it contains a variety of exciting interactive experiences for visitors to discover and get involved in. This is the place where work is fun!

Experience beyond your limits!

About DASA

DASA is an inspiring place that makes work fun! Our exhibition presents ten working worlds from the past, present and future over a massive area equivalent to the size of two football pitches.

DASA is packed with surprising spaces, fascinating exhibits and multimedia and interactive areas.

Exhibition overview

Riesen-Laptop in der DASA

At the screen

Working with information and communication technology – There are regular demonstrations, a variety of exhibits for you to try out and lots to read.

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Teenager in der Ausstellung Im Wettlauf der Neuesten Nachrichten

The race for the latest headlines

Working in newspaper production and the media – From manual typesetting to desktop publishing. This area focuses on the old and modern tools used in the writing and printing industries and their effects on the people that work with them.

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Frau arbeitet an den DASA-Webstühlen

Following the rhythm of the machines

Traditional factory work in the textile industry – The whistling of steam engines and rattle of weaving looms fills the space. Get a vivid insight into the dust-filled, highly-disciplined working world of the past, where worker's days were dictated by the time clock.

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Eine Besucherin probiert den Presslufthammer auf der Baustelle der DASA aus.

Greater safety on building sites

“Welcome to the building site”. This area of the exhibition looks at occupational health and safety issues in structural and civil engineering. Visitors can go down into deep tunnels and up to great heights to experience the hazardous working conditions on building sites.

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Abteil einer alten Straßenbahn in der eine Besucherin sitzt

On the road

Working in transport and traffic – This part of the exhibition looks at the working conditions of those who are constantly “on the move” transporting goods and people.

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Die Lärmkabine in der Stahlhalle.

Slaving in shifts

Life and work in the iron and steel industry – This area of the exhibition gives visitors the chance to experience “classic” occupational health and safety issues. Visitors can learn about intense physical work, shift work and extreme working conditions caused by heat, dust, noise and hazardous substances.

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VEW-Leitwarte aus dem Jahr 1969 in der Engergiehalle der DASA

Plenty of tension

What happens when the lights go out, and how do people working in power stations respond to power cuts? Discover the electrifying world behind the plug – From generation to distribution, follow the path that electricity takes to reach our homes.

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Blick auf den gläsernen Gefahrstoff-Stachel im DASA Ausstellungsbereich Unsichtbare Gefahren

Invisible hazards

Hazardous substances in the workplace – Manufacturing and processing chemicals is a dangerous job. This part of the exhibition shows visitors what measures must be taken when handling hazardous substances.

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Einblick in den Bereich Operieren der Ausstellung Heilen und Pflegen

Healing & Caring

Experience first-hand skills and competencies that care workers need to perform their challenging jobs.

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Lastendrohne in der DASA Ausstellung "Neue Arbeitswelten"

New working worlds

Tomorrow’s working world – What does the future hold? We take a look into the future. How do we want to live? How do we want to work? And what values are important to us? Create your future and join the conversation!

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