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Building trade

Exhibition Construction site equipmentSafety engineersLeisure visitorsSchools

Occupational safety in structural and civil engineering...

Construction sites have changed dramatically over the past 50 years. Modern machines and new construction materials make work easier - but sometimes it also brings new problems or hazards.

Dust, noise or heat still exist. And physical exertion cannot be completely avoided. That's why it remains important to prevent harmful stress and prevent accidents.


Short overview




Open-air site


Included in the DASA ticket

Opening hours

DASA Opening Hours

Time required

30 min


The DASA construction site is located in the outside area. It is roofed but still the temperatures are the same as outside.

Exhibition highlights

Tunnelbaustelle in der DASA
Leisure visitors
Construction site equipment

Tunnel construction site

DASA underground: go "down under" and discover the secrets of deep tunnels

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Sogenannter Wirbelgang in der DASA
Leisure visitorsSchools
Physical strain

The Spinewalk

Check your back: the Spinewalk increases your sensitivity for challenging stituations in work places and during leisure time.

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Eine Besucherin probiert den Presslufthammer auf der Baustelle der DASA aus.
Leisure visitors
Construction site equipment

Pneumatic drill

It will be loud, dusty and earth shaking: go wild with our pneumatic drills on the construction site.

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Additional programs

Zwei Kinder auf der DASA Kinderbaustelle

Children's building site

Suitable already for children from 4 years: check out the playhouse and learn the basics of working safely read more

Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin Logo
Das Logo vom Sender WDR5
Logo der Route der Industriekultur