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Media and screen

Exhibition Screen workHealthy workingAviationMediaRoboticsSafety engineersLeisure visitorsSchools

Working with information and communication technology

Today, computers and screens are ubiquitous in the working world. We exchange information worldwide. News reaches us faster than ever. Changes are accelerating.
This opens up new opportunities and poses new challenges. Know from history: Technology and the organization of work must adapt to people. This is not always easy, but it can be done.

Short overview




Ground floor


Included in the DASA ticket

Time required

1 h

Exhibition highlights

Das größte Notebook der Welt in der DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung
Leisure visitorsSchools

The biggest notebook in the world

Record-breaking! You can find the probably world's biggest notebook here in the DASA ..

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Das Objekt "Malling Hansen", eine der ersten Schreibmaschinen, in der DASA
Craftsmanship & Technology

Magic writing ball

Woukd you like to write as the famous philosopher Nitzsche did? Then test a totally new way to put your thoughts to paper ...

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Zwei DASA Gäste im Cockpit des Airbus A 320 Flugsimulators
Leisure visitorsSchools

The Airbus cockpit

The Super-Simulator of the Airbus A 320 gives you wings ...

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Industrieroboter in der DASA
Leisure visitorsSchools

Industrial robot

It's the one, that never gets tired. The one, that understands. The one, that waits for your directions ...

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Die Buchbinderwerkstatt in der DASA
Craftsmanship & Technology

The bookbinding workshop

Historical insights into printmaking crafts

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Zeitungsrotationsmaschine in der Ausstellung Im Wettlauf der Neuesten Nachrichten
Craftsmanship & Technology

Rotary printing press

Protection for machines - but not for humans

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Die Entschlüsselungsmaschine Engima von 1933 als Exponat


Ihre Codes galten als "bombensicher" - bis zu ihrer Entschlüsselung. Die legendäre Enigma hat Kriegsgeschichte geschrieben. Jetzt neu in der DASA!

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Konstruktionsbüro in der DASA Arbeitswelt Ausstellung
Safety engineersLeisure visitorsSchools
Healthy working

The ideal office

Great ideas come easily in a working space which is customized to the physical needs of the working people ...

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