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Legal notice

The small print

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA)
Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25
D-44149 Dortmund / Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 231 9071-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 231 9071-2454
E-Mail: poststelle@baua.bund.de
Internet: www.baua.de
Address: Postfach 17 02 02, D-44061 Dortmund

President of BAuA:
Isabel Rothe

Head of DASA:
Gregor Isenbort

Person responsible:
Gregor Isenbort

Internet editorial team:
Susann Görk, Monika Röttgen


V.A.T identification number:
DE 124 652 539


All rights reserved. Database contents, text, graphics, images, sound, video and animation files on the website of the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health are protected by copyright. We expressly retain all rights with regards to publication, reproduction, adaptation and exploitation.

The contents may be retrieved, downloaded, stored and printed for private, non-commercial use only without previous agreement, provided that all the copyright information (e.g. source references) and other protected information with regards to the content and the contents themselves remain unchanged.

If you wish to include text from our website on your own website, you should do so by inserting a link to our website rather than copying the text itself. This prevents an infringement of copyright. You will also avoid risking using out-of-date material for your purposes. If you have a link to our website, you can always be sure of having current up-to-date information.

Exclusion of liability

Liability claims for damage of a material or intellectual nature against the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health which are caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded unless it can be demonstrated that our organisation acted intentionally or was grossly negligent.
We do our best to avoid technical problems. However, errors may occur through the digitalisation of data. We cannot accept any liability for interruption or other disturbances caused by non-error-free files or non-error-structured formats. The same applies to any damages caused by computer viruses when retrieving or downloading data or when installing or using software.
When using different browsers for the World Wide Web and because of different software settings, deviations can occur when the data are displayed. Where necessary, the original material used for the information offer may be requested from the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Please note

Our online offer contains links to websites of other providers. The Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health accepts no liability for the content of websites that are accessed via these links. We have carefully selected these links and checked the relevant contents at the time of the first link to determine whether they could give rise to civil or criminal liability.
Links are, however, always dynamic references. The contents of the linked pages can therefore be modified without our knowledge. A continuous check of the contents is neither provided nor possible. We expressly disassociate ourselves from all content which may be relevant to civil or liability law or which violates good morals. For damages arising from the use or non-use of websites or other providers, the provider of the page referred to is solely liable.
The information provided on these internet pages has been carefully and selected and compiled to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information on this website, nor for the legal provisions provided. Laws and regulations are only valid and apply according to their respective current official version, as published by relevant announcing bodies. Potential legal recommendations, information and instructions are non-binding and we expressly give no legal advice.
We kindly ask users to make us aware of any possible illegal or incorrect third-party content to which we have a link on our internet presence. We also kindly ask that you inform us when our own contents are not error-free, up-to-date or complete.

Wir bitten die Nutzer, uns ggf. auf rechtswidrige oder fehlerhafte Inhalte Dritter, zu denen in der Internetpräsenz ein Link unterhalten wird, aufmerksam zu machen. Ebenso wird um eine Nachricht gebeten, wenn eigene Inhalte nicht fehlerfrei, nicht aktuell oder nicht vollständig sind.


Accessibility in the internet means that it can be used by all people, regardless of any disability, and even irrespective of computer equipment. When a website fulfils this goal, it means that is accessible for as many people with varied abilities to hear, see, understand or move as possible.

The DASA website has been realised in accordance with the guidelines of the Verordnung zur Schaffung barrierefreier Informationstechnik nach dem Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz (BITV) [Federal Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology] and meets almost all the requirements of this ordinance.

Some of the PDF documents published on the DASA websites are not yet fully accessible. Accessible PDF files are specifically identified as such. We are making every effort to optimise our website further with regards to accessibility

Design and programming
